Abstract class
Every feature that will be used on Raccoon must be extends to the Feature class
A unique identity that distinguishes each feature from a different owner
Abstract Method Methods must be implemented in classes that extend to the Feature class.
The start method is the method used to initialize the first response of a feature instance. Returns the response template.
Executes the methods available on the feature Object by using the method name
calculate how long a method is running
Returns true if the method has been running longer than session time
Tells 'Raccoons' to immediately remove expired methods from the activity state
Raccoon constructor
Register features to ActivityState to be called later
owner of features
instance of Feature Class
create token
check token is active
activate token
deactivate token
Starting a feature as an activity
Watch callback queries from every keyboard in the feature class
Returns activities based on owner and feature names
Handles actions from callback data
Handling responses based on a template
Send messages to the telegram
Edit telegram message
Delete telegram message
Send answer callbackQuery
Remove activity from state
Make Inline Button
Toogle check icon from given text
Encode keyboard positition to string formated
Decode params to keyboard postition
decode callback data